How To Serve Wine in A Bar

Reading Time: 3 minutes

This is a guest post by Mark Berry.

a wine list in a restaurant or bar ...

Come on, you all knew how to put wine into a wine glass and serve it properly, didn’t you?

Wrong. The concept underpinning the presentation of wine culture is how to pour wine properly. There are important things any server should learn on how to do it right from opening of a bottle of wine up to pouring a glass of wine to the clients and many times the etiquette that is used on the clients. Continue reading below to learn the complete steps to serving wine and improving your self-assuredness when you’re surrounded by your guests in your bar or restaurant.

What is Wine Service? 

Wine service is the manner in which an entire bottle of wine is served to a group of guests. Wine is consumed after they have listened to their selection from the wine list or you recommended to the customer based on their preferences. While most wines that are offered by the glass are served by the bartender for the server to take to the guests; real wine service with a bottle is done ‘to order’ by the server at the table. It provides your guests with refreshing impact, gives focus to your menu, opens up new sales opportunities in your bar or restaurant. But it has its code of conduct of how to be served and what to do or not to do feels very demanding. We have divided the process into stages and according to our legend we start the story of this wine just immediately after the bottle has been opened. 

How to Pour Wine 

Is Wine in Cans Your New Favorite Format? – Winery Lane

Step 1- Lay a wine glass on the table and using the right hand you grasp the bottom half of the wine bottle. Bring the other hand to the chin level and use it to hold a cloth napkin in order to avoid dripping. Now, you’re ready to pour the wine. 

Step 2- Place the bottle over a wine glass and slowly and steadily turn it down over the glass and pour the wine in the center or all along the side.

Step 3- When you get to the 5 oz (150ml) pour the wine up to the lip of the bottle and tilt it up with a twist and wipe the lip of the bottle with your napkin. More tips you may need when dispensing wine in your bar or restaurant. 

TIP: In any wine glass, the spread between the rim and the stem is typically the widest at the line for serving 5 ounces (150 millilitres). However, your bar or restaurant might have a company standard size pour of wine it needs to maintain. 

TIP: When serving wine cooled in an ice bucket, clean the finger spaces on the bottle with a cloth napkin. 

TIP: Such bottles should never be opened before wine service. 

TIP: This is the role that the server needs to go back to the table to fill the glasses. 

TIP: Allowing wine to open is an interesting way, familiar to everyone, regarding red wine, therefore, decant red wines for about 30 minutes prior to serving. For a young wine – this will lead to the tannins becoming finer, and for an older wine – the character of the wine will build back up for a more integrated flavour with each bite. 

How to Serve Sparkling Wine in BC

After all, would we be building our image as the superior sparking winemakers if we didn’t share with you how to pour them properly? 

1. Sparkling wines should be served chilled – an ice bucket should be more useful here. 

2. For a bottle of sparkling wine you will need to open it gently and slowly, pressing the cork with the thumb while it is gradually coming out due to the pressure inside the bottle. To open it do so at a 45-degree angle to ensure that wine does not spit up in the bottle. 

3. Best practice was to top up the wine slowly and uniformly while holding the glass tilted slightly so as to avoid the wine spilling over aggressively. These enjoyable tips on serving wine should assist you in performing suitable and pleasing wine services in your bar or restaurant, thus doing the wine service less tense or stress-free.

Author’s Bio

Mark Berry is a paralegal and lifestyle blogger who concentrates on playwriting, travel, personal injury law, and eco-friendly gift purchasing. He loves exploring new places and sharing life experiences with the audience. He encourages readers to overcome obstacles holding them back and live their best lives.


  1. Sorry Mark, can’t quite go with you on opening a sparkling wine. You skipped talking about the wire cage and that is very important. When undoing the cage, watch to see that the cork is not coming up out of the bottle on its own. It’s rare but it happens. Otherwise, when the cage is fully loosened, the whole thing will take off. Next, thumbs never. That cork will have a metal cap on it and if it flies out of control is actually dangerous to patrons, paintings and glassware.. To have complete control, hold the cork and turn the bottle. That way you have leverage to loosen the cork and control how it comes out of the bottle. It should come out with a quiet, satisfying sigh, not a pop. Brent Gushowaty

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