Quai Du Vin for Chardonnay and Music

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Quai Du Vin winery

We just finished a relaxing ten days in SW Ontario, including a quick visit to the Quai Du Vin to taste the wine and listen to our nephew (Greg Sykes) play.

SKYE CHASE Estate Winery is the future branding of the current Quai Du Vin Estate Winery, located in St. Thomas, Ontario. The winery has a rich history, with vineyards first planted in 1970 by Redi and Roberto Quai. Roberto and his wife, Lisa, officially opened the winery in 1990. The winery is known for its beautiful vineyard setting and various events, including concerts and community gatherings.

Quai Du Vin Estate Vineyard
Quai Du Vin Estate Vineyard

The Wines

The winery has a wide choice of wines. Some of the popular wines include Chardonnay, Cabernet Franc, and Vidal. The winery has a diverse portfolio catering to various tastes, making it challenging to single out a “best” wine universally.

Quai Du Vin Estate Wines

Live Music

On the weekend, the winery provides live music for guests. It has both a tent and open-air facilities to host entertainment.

Quai Du Vin Estate Entertainment

Quai Du Vin Chardonnay Unoaked 2022 VQA ($16)

Quai Du Vin Chardonnay Unoaked 2022 VQA

The grapes were harvested at the peak of ripeness. Following fermentation, the wine was aged on its lees for several weeks.

The Chardonnay delivers aromas of ripe cantaloupe, tropical fruit, wildflowers, and ripe apples. The complex flavour profile includes mango, golden delicious apple, and pink grapefruit. The wine has a medium to bold mouthfeel and an elegant creamy finish. It was best served well chilled. 89 points

Please visit the Quai du Vin website to purchase these excellent Ontario VQA wines.


Quai du Vin Winery’s Jamie Quai – Winemaker Profile, Krista Lamb